Azriel: "I'm surrounded by weirdness."
Doc, Mirror, & Charity: *walk into the tavern*
Max: "More an occupational hazard."

Doc: "Did someone call the brute squad?"
Azriel: "I'm on the brute squad."
Doc: "You ARE the brute squad."

GM: "Your genie sucks if you're rubbing Tupperware."

Doc: "I scooted away from the table. The barkeep scooted away from the table. The table scooted away from the table. We comforted the table."

Max: "We need permission to camp up on the wall?"
Farmer: "Aye, the town mayor is not... um... how you say...?"
Doc: "Not in the mood for dealing with our bullery?"
Farmer: "Yeah, that."

Max: "They put the Tabaxi in the back of the wagon, but she kept telling the teamsters where to go. She was a Tabaxi driver."

Max: "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Don't do anything I would do. ...there's a gray middle area in there."

Mirror: "Don't get mustard in that guy's brain!"

Farmer: "Touched the door and he turned to stone."
Doc: "Took the warnings for granite, did he?"

Max: "One was too tall, one was too short, and one was too 'Thank you, ma'am, may I have another?'"