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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: The Northlands Saga - Spears in the Ice IC

    Dark Dreams and Skorri continue to rain arrows down upon the witch and her craven henchmen but the cowards take cover behind the ancient monoliths and the shots clatter harmlessly off the rocks. Freyja jogs forward massive spear in hand, with Signy hitching her skirts and following close behind with the pup.

    Gufti the Clever hides behind a fallen column shooting wildly with his bow through the lightning-streaked skies, the shot flying well wide. Njarni the Traitor with a stupid grin on his face similarly hurls a massive throwing spear toward Freyja the throw poorly delivered falling well short.

    At the altar stone Sibbe the Unkempt casts her hands to the heavens, foul words of ancient magic on her cracked lips as the old witch holds a severed eyeball aloft and casts a spell. Her eyes glow orange like hot embers in her withered face as she cackles above the winds "You'll not stop me! I've come for my dues! The jarl thought I had forgotten what he owed me, but I never forget! The girl is mine and I'll have her sisters too! I will live afresh for another lifetime with these gifts."

    Next to her Little Runa stands rigidly upright. She reaches out grasping a dagger in her hands and turns to walk stiffly toward Skorri and the Wanderer her eyes showing all white, rolled back like one possessed...

    Spoiler: info
    Gufti vs DDW
    shortbow (1d20)[6] (incl -2 range), damage (1d8)[7]

    Njarni vs Freyja
    throwing spear (1d20-7)[11] (incl -8 range), damage (1d8+7)[14]

    cast spell

    move east towards DDW & Skorri

    Spoiler: Map

    The flashing lightning of the storm and glowing stones give the entire hilltop normal lightning.

    Njarni (axe) is to the north
    Gufti (bow & sword) to southwest

    Edit: An 80ft move from Freyja would put her on the outside border of the stone circle anywhere from 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock

    => Party
    Last edited by Ghostfoot; 2019-07-02 at 05:40 AM.