Quote Originally Posted by Jon_Dahl View Post
I was a bit disconcerted with the fact that she was actively cheating on her husband with two other guys and she showed me the men too. This coupled with the fact that she showed me her kids and her husband made me feel sorry for her husband, but otherwise I have an open mind for poly-amorous people.
Which is it, cheating or polyamorous? The big difference is that the latter happens with the full knowledge and blessing of one's partner(s), while the former doesn't.

Although even if her husband did sign off on all this, being so forthright with the intimate details to outsiders sounds off in its own right.

First, she laughed and asked me that why do I keep sending her messages. I said that I like to keep in touch my friends. I was perplexed by her question, but I kept calm. Then she told me that we should focus on our own lives and not keep in touch. I said "fine" and deleted her number.

I just don't get it.
How long had it been since your last interaction? If the program between the two of you had ended and it had been a while, she may have mentally roundfiled you as soon as you stopped being relevant. I've known a fair number of people who put others out of mind after a certain amount of time without contact.

And it's strange that she considers such intimate details of her life to be hunky dory to share with casual friends but considers psych articles "weird", but lots of people have nonsensical boundaries and comfort zones.

Quote Originally Posted by Honest Tiefling View Post
This may sound weird, Warkitty, but...Is there anyone you'd trust to take with you to these sessions? Even if they don't contribute, they could just sit there and listen.
Kitty isn't stupid. I have a feeling that if she had people she trusted enough for something like that, she'd be trying to work through her stresses with them. If anything, she seems to be caught in a catch-22; Having had her trust abused so thoroughly by people who should be trustworthy, it's hard to open up to people enough to properly process her issues. From the outside it's simple enough to see, but from the inside finding a spot to start unraveling the mess.