With the worst of Freyja's wounds patched you stumble onward through the barrow fields, mindful that all around you stir the restless dead yet resolutely determined to press forward to free the jarl's daughters from their witch kidnapper. Time begins to lose meaning as the storm rages ahead, until finally you feel that you must almost be there, the Tor now less than a mile ahead illuminated by the flashes of lightning.

With a loud crash, a stone rolls away from one of the barrow openings, revealing a gaping hole into darkness. Out of the shadows strides a long-dead hero from before the Northlanders first came to this land. His raiment is grand, clad in rotting silks and fine cloths, armored with a cuirass of bronze, and carrying a two-handed sword of gold-and-silvergilt bronze. The undead king mounts a nearby barrow and raises his hands in a silent command, a command answered by the hordes of undead crawling forth from the surrounding Barrow Lands. The way ahead is open but does not look like it will remain so for long as hundreds of decayed skeletons lurch forth in all other directions from the cold embrace of the earth.

Looming ahead at the far corner of the field of barrows is the 100-ft tall mound of packed earth known as the Tor. Crowning this hilltop is a ring of standing stones, tumbled down and long forgotten, built ages ago by the long-dead Andøvan that once inhabited what is now the Northlands. The Tor is steeply sloped, and the slopes are covered with grasses, herbs, and bracken. Two long causeways march up from the surrounding plains, one to the southwest and one to the northwest. The stones themselves are cracked and worn with age; green lichen and moss cling to the lower surfaces and run up these fissures, contrasting sharply with the dark grey rock. Thunderclouds roil overhead and lighting flashes down to strike the few stones still standing and illuminating faint silhouettes among the stones.

Spoiler: Map: The Tor

You are about where the "S" is on the compass.

Undead approach from all directions except SW (ie the direction of the Tor)

400ft causeways lead up otherwise DC8 Climb to ascend the steep slopes.