A bit of career advice please.

My work is mostly repairing plumbing fixtures at two city buildings, that have cops, courts, DA's, and a jail on the 7th floor of one building (there used to also be the morgue, but they moved across town and now I only go there about twice a year).

Lately I just haven't gotten many service orders about stuff to fix that isn't in the jail, and after seven years of working in it I'm finding it psychologically harder to will myself up there with the screaming, the insults, the look of the place, and just waiting for the gates to open.

When there's lots of work 'downstairs' this isn't as much of problem, but now that the percentage of my work that is for the jail is much higher getting the willpower to go up there is increasingly difficult for me.

Any motivational tips (other than the obvious "do the job or get fired")?