I'm going to kvetch for a bit.

I'm pretty deep down the depression hole right now. I have been on a diet for years, so I can't eat my anxiety like I used to. My car accident back in January makes it difficult to use exercise as a crutch, and my girlfriend and I no longer spend much time together. As all of my anxiety outlets dry up, I am finding the lifelong depression and anxiety issues I have been dealing with rising to the front.

Interestingly I did not realize I was using my girlfriend as a release outlet until today when I was wondering why I am so despondent.

I have been trying to work on this masters thesis for years, my imposed deadline is July 1st when I get kicked out and will need go get a full time job. Paper writing gives me tremendous anxiety, to the point where I used to do some self-mutilation as a teen and young adult and have panic attacks.

That is also why my post count is up, I tend to flick through the forums between paragraphs. Helps me cool down a bit.

Currently I'm finding myself drifting towards ye olde running away or jumping off a bridge fantasies. One more month and then I am done either way though, going to be fun.