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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jul 2017

    Default Re: Shepherd Druid Guide to Fuzzy Fury

    Quote Originally Posted by MaxWilson View Post
    As a druid, I would hope this interpretation isn't true, because incapacitation causes you to lose concentration, and if you automatically lose concentration whenever you're knocked out of Wild Shape, that is bad news.

    I don't think it is true though. At no time are you actually at 0 HP and therefore incapacitated; instead you just turn back into a human(oid).
    There's nothing that says you lose concentration when you hit 0 HP, though, and Faithful Summons doesn't require you to be incapacitated either. Normally reaching 0 HP causes Unconciousness, which then causes Incapacitation, which breaks concentration. Wild Shape specifies that you don't go Unconscious unless the damage you take pushes you to 0 HP in your humanoid form, but does say you revert when you drop to 0 HP while Wild Shaped. So you should hit still hit 0 HP when knocked out of Wild Shape to activate Faithful Summons, but you're never Unconscious or Incapacitated to break Concentration. You just have to make the saving throw as normal.
    Last edited by Nidgit; 2019-05-28 at 06:54 PM.