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    Troll in the Playground

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    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Quote Originally Posted by rs2excelsior View Post
    Lore question: I assume Torendil's attitude toward Witch Hunters is reasonable? The description says they tend to go after mutants and chaos cultists, but I imagine from the name hedge witches would also be among their targets, and while I think an elf wizard would generally be left alone, he would be uneasy around someone whose purpose in life is to hunt down magic users. Especially given his own attitude toward magic and the "backwardness" of the Imperials who react with fear and distrust towards it.
    In the Empire, they have a license to kill and they're not afraid to use it. While elves are, in theory, beyond their jurisdiction, you're not in the Empire any more, are you? Outside the Empire they don't have any legal authority, but in the Border Lands, most authority comes at the point of a sword anyway. So a fear of them is reasonable.

    Surgeon roll to heal Gabriele: (1d100)[87]

    Here's a crude map of the ruin so far. The ? is where Severin heard the voice from.
    Last edited by dojango; 2019-04-19 at 11:48 PM.