Quote Originally Posted by halfeye View Post
I don't know that I can in any detail, the slower updates and maybe a loss of understandable-ness?

Actually, the story has always been extremely obscure. The first book started in medias res, and it's only in the last half of the book that something like "plot" started shining through. You need to read the story many times over. You need to refer to the commentaries and the tumblr to get basic information about anything. In some cases, the K6BD-Wikia has picked up the slack and provides meaningful references.

As far as I know, this is not an oversight, it's by design. To make the story less predictable, and to get the reader involved - you have to research and speculate by yourself, or you get lost there.

Still to this point, we have no idea on so many important topics of the story that it hurts. Basically characters with the exception of Allison are speaking in riddles, based on that they know their world, and we readers don't.