Turi stands stock still as Selek makes her irritated return. He finds his voice as the woman turns away, and calls out "but! Wh-" He pauses, unsure if it's wise to continue. Almost under his breath, he finishes, "Why would she say no?" To the active observer, it's obvious the young man is both genuinely curious and somehow disappointed. He doesn't really expect an answer from Selek, and instead of waiting for one, turns away to listen to Vershab.

Perhaps inexplicably, the youngster doesn't seem as excited as he was before at the prospect of breaking in. Whether the thought of demonic resistance has grown on him, or some other unvoiced concern, Turi is obviously uneasy. After listening to Vershab's ramblings, he asks, "but where is it? We'll have to find it first, and for that we'll need.... help? Or we'll have to find out from someone who knows..." He shrugs, clearly at a loss.