I think the sins still fit pretty well, if one takes a broader definition of them than the modern pop culture one. Luxuria, the original lust, is not necessarily sexual. It any desire for anything that is too strong. Money and power are explicitely named in older sources and of course the author of this webcomic would go look at those older sources. Incubus explicitely seeks out the Lustful and gives them their wishes.

Gluttony, similarly, isn't necessarily food. It's overconsumption in general. Taking more than you need, so that nothing is left over for others.

Pride is interesting. Superbia is in one definition more like hubris, thinking that one knows better than god or the gods. BUt a part of it is also not seeing the accomplishments of others, only one's own. And of course, overstimating one's own accomplishments and forgetting one's flaws.

I don't know, they all fit pretty well.