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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kill6BillionDemons II: The Successor's coming will be followed by 108 burning thr

    Quote Originally Posted by Aquillion View Post
    I like that Solomon's story is pretty much just "yep, cycles of violence lead to more violence", while Incubus' takeaway from it is "he needs to use more violence!"

    Then again, I get the impression that Incubus finds Solomon's goals hilarious; Incubus recognizes that using violence to try and create the perfect state is never going to work, but he doesn't care - he thinks Solomon should just grow up and be a depraved god-king.

    Also, this is why Maya pisses him off, since walking away from power over that paradox goes against Incubus' entire philosophy. And, of course, it's amusing that the Demiurge who is most obsessed with victory-for-its-own-sake and hear-the-lamentations-of-their-women is the only one who didn't actually win his key.
    Not really. The point of solomon's story is the fact that simply surviving wasn't enough. Solomon SURVIVED Yemmond's attack but he LOST everything that matter to him and ended up watching millions suffer and saw an entire world die... Solomon chose to change that by fighting back, taking back what was lost and rebuilding. However, he' hasn't really won yet. The other Demiurges are still a threat to the "eternal" empire he built and he's unsatisfied with his current way of life. The only way for Solomon to be truly satisfied is to secure the safety of his world and allow himself to live the life he wants to live, and the only way to do that, is to "win"

    And we can apply this to Allison as well. She says that all she's wants to do is survive, but what if Mottom found out which universe she came from. Mottom would conquer earth, enslave its people, and the strip the planet bare until there was nothing left. If that were to happen, would Allison really be content with simply "surviving". Incubus is basically telling her that the only way to protect what she cares about and live the way she wants is to beat all of the other demiurges that could threaten her, raise herself to a point where she would be impossible to challenge and "win"

    IN the case of Maya, in incubus's eyes, she basically chose survival over victory. As he sees it, all it resulted in is her becoming nothing more than a fat drunk who is simply wandering around and wasting away. She took herself out of the game, she's still lives, but she's got nothing to show for it. It could be the case that he once cared for her and admired her and it pisses him off to see how far she's fallen; a case of severe dissappointment. Though what i think pisses him off is that the other demiurges seem to still give her more respect than they ever afforded him. I imagine there was a difference in how they both earned their godhood; Maya may have won it through blood and battle while Incubus may have just picked up her key after she discarded it which is why the other king's don't feel like he earned his throne
    Last edited by slayerx; 2019-02-21 at 09:38 AM.