Name: Please call me Mercy.
Availability to Host Campaigns: Yes.
Contact Information: Contact me through this forum. I will add my Discord if my first week or so proves pleasant.
Posting Frequency: At least once a day.
Systems You Can Run: I can run several systems. I am only interested in running Pathfinder 1E and Starfinder these days though. With some heavy convincing, I might go for a 3.5E D&D game, but my preference is to just allow people playing in my Pathfinder games to use select 3.5 material.
Preferred Campaign Types: I prefer deeper, more meaningful games with equally deep themes. I am fond of all sorts of fantasy in RPGs, as well as sci-fi and horror.
Sample Game Threads: I just joined so that's not applicable.
Current Games: I just joined so that's not applicable.
Future Games: I have not decided on a game to run just yet.