New Offering were saying?
If you did not listen to me the first time, then i guess i need to repeat myself?
Im saying its extremely silly to assume Solomon David is involved, just because something involves Ki Rata.
And that does not change just because following evidence then makes it more likely that this is SD's background story.

I am 92.07% convinced now this is a Solomon origin story. Doesn't need to be true though.
Still do not know how it connects with Incubus friend, but he will get there.
The friend is likely to be Maya, who also gave up focus on winning to instead just wanting to survive.
Im still not certain why the lesson her should not be "dont teach Ki Rata to people who had their entire life burned down" though.

But it could explain why Solomon only has sons now. If he has daughters in the old life that was burned by a random warlord.
Would like to see how his fight with Yemmod went though.