Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
"Is this one of those moral-issues that I struggle to understand? I certainly mean the curator no harm - only to convince her that we are friends and worth skirting the rules to help..."]
Lehasti leads the party for several more steps before responding in a soft voice, "Sometimes it is less about "harm" and more about the proper way to do things. I would certainly not appreciate such an intrusion upon my own mind and will, nor do I imagine would you. No, my friend," she continues, "the right thing done the wrong way quickly becomes the wrong thing, and leads toward ill means that become their own ends. No, " she sighs as though steeling her resolve, "it is because the right thing is often the hard thing that it is so seldom done."

"Well, we must get access to the correct library quickly - the longer we wait the stronger our enemies become! Shall we go straight to the Haty-a tonight, or attempt to sway her superior instead? I don't think the Haty-a likes us and am concerned that she may be helping our opponents...Besides, the Muminofrah seemed to like you, Lehasti! She might be convinced to move this along again!"
The paladin raises one eyebrow and smiles sardonically at nobody in particular. "Another example, my friend, of the expedient path being the lesser of our choices. No, I think we should seek an urgent audience with the Haty-a, as the rightful authority of this city; perhaps I may impress upon her the sincerity of our intentions, and the immediacy of our task. If she will listen to reason, she may prove to be a valuable ally. That is," she turns to seek a meeting of Vershab's eyes, "unless you have reason to doubt her good intentions?"