Looking every bit the cat that got the cream after her serendipitous discovery, Lehasti leads the party with a cheerful, strolling stride through the narrow corridors toward the entrance, briefly interrupted by the difficulty of winding her armored form around the strange, cloud-shaped statue. Her cheer subsides somewhat as they approach the small study room and its occupant, and the paladin's gait takes on more militant qualities, and she watches the stranger with a sidelong, suspicious glance.

Finally reaching the curators' post, the paladin steps to the side, gesturing Vershab to the fore.

Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
"I need just one moment to prepare a spell to invade her mind and attempt to influence her so that she will help us without requiring another visit to the Haty-a. Will you all please distract her and any potential witnesses while I attempt to charm her?
Lehasti's eyes dart toward the arcanist as he reaches for his spellbook, and the paladin's eyes are by turns alarmed, suspicious and probing. With a gentle clearing of her throat, she addresses him, "Friend Vershab... even were I to approve such an action, which I most certainly do not, we have already been forewarned of invisible guardians, and consequences of hostile magic." Her tone is gentle but stern with the slender man. "I am confident that our cause is just, and surely with what friends we already have made, our advance cannot be long denied." With a disarming smile and a congenial nod toward the curator, the paladin gently (but firmly) places an arm about Vershab's shoulders and begins to steer him toward the exit.