At first, Turi is content to let Vershab and Azkin do the lion's share of the work. However, as they quickly prove less than comfortable navigating the bridges for quick access to tomes, he little by little becomes more involved himself. At the second or third example of potentially torn scraps, he muses, "Perhaps they took the records for their own use? Sort of sabotage by accident?"

Regardless, he continues to easily traverse the bridges, though his efforts with the books are clearly less well-guided as his colleagues'.

Spoiler: OOC
So I'm assuming that taking 10 on acrobatics for a 22 is both 1: acceptable and 2: doesn't result in Turi's untimely death.

(1d20+7)[16] know nobility (includes library bonus of +3) vs DC 20.
If successful, (1d8)[3] research damage