Lehasti and Azkin stand a watchful guard, but they're only met by silence. When nothing comes through the doorway after a few minutes, the group decides to move on.

With caution, they move around the strange statue of clouds - they actually have to squeeze a little bit, at the thing is sizable and sits straight in the middle of the corridor. They gingerly go down the winding pathway, but encounter no further obstacle until they reach the heart of the Spiral Archive.

The corridor opens into a wide, circular chamber. Instead of a floor, a vast well lined with row upon row of books, scrolls, and parchment plummets downward. Below, flickering flames gently illuminate the chamber in soft light. A flight of narrow stone stairs descends in a spiral along the inner walls of the shaft, which is crisscrossed by a lattice of slender, impossibly thin bridges.


"C" is the ceustodaemon. "W" is the woman, busy reading. The statue is in M28.