Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
"In the temple! That woman- not Muminofrah, one of her attainers- she was with the group that attacked us in the temple in Wati! She cast a bunch of spells, hid in the fog, and directed the rest of the cultists as if she was their leader, and she's either still following us, or working towards some opposed end!
I don't know what she's doing here, but I know that's where I've heard that voice! And it explains why I didn't recognize her- she was wearing one of those golden masks, before!
Lehasti's eyes widen at Turi's description, the fateful encounter that nearly ended several of her companions' lives clearly etched into her mind. Eyes darkened like thunderclouds, she looks into the crowd, attempting to follow Turi's gaze... but failing quite to discern any specific object of the young man's attention, she scowls at the crowd in general before turning to face him. "Would that this were the place, and now the time... but have no fear, my young friend- the wicked always receive their just rewards." Lapsing into silence, the paladin leads the party off to make what preparations they may for the following days' study.

Lehasti remains brooding and distracted as the party returns to the library. Allowing Vershab, in his obvious confidence in academic pursuits, to take the lead, she follows distractedly until the sudden, invasive voice ringing within her own mind. One hand darts toward the hilt of her falchion, but Vershab's authoritative response (and the ceustodaemon's grudging response) allay her fears of a more physical altercation. Releasing her instinctively held breath as it retreats, she trudges after Vershab, already striding confidently toward the knowledge the party seeks.

The paladin's eyes narrow at the unexpected company in the study room. As Vershab greets the woman, Lehasti closes her eyes prayerfully, and opens them (now flickering with a golden sheen) to observe the woman intently.

Spoiler: Actions
Using Detect Evil paladin ability to examine her.