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Thread: Avengers 4: Endgame trailer

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Avengers 4: Endgame trailer

    Quote Originally Posted by russdm View Post
    Because the scraps were from weapons Stark's company made? So he would how to use them and work with them? Also know or be aware of the dangers?
    What does a fuel-less seemingly limitless source of power operate like? Do you feel the arc reactor has been dealt with in a consistent manner in the MCU? That's the point. Stark made one of these from scraps in a cave. I appreciate that he is familiar with the tech. The point is that he made a fuel-less limitless power source from scraps in a cave. Is it that easy to make a power source like that? Is Stark that much a genius? Either way, what impact has it had in the world in the eight years since he's created it? Nothing.

    It hasn't even impacted his team. With the exception of maybe Spider-man, but I don't know if the Iron Spider suit uses an Arc Reactor.

    This is not consistent. That is *serious* tech that is hand-waived away except for Tony's suit.

    I get the worrying about Pym particles and consistency. But it's hardly the most egregious example. Vibranium has allowed Wakanda to isolate itself and become a tech-paradise. Arc reactors would do the same for the rest of the world. So if you're going to nit-pick Pym particles, you might as well nit-pick the fact that Stark has done ****-all with the ability to create a seemingly endless supply of limitless power sources.

    EDIT: And don't forget nano-particles lol.
    Last edited by Dr.Samurai; 2018-12-15 at 05:22 PM.