You gather the horses, a simple task for the Wanderer but nevertheless every moment not in pursuit irks you. With still an hour or two before the sun sets you mount up, Freyja hastening alongside and the wee dog Bogi yipping about excited at the grim tension. With the sun lowering on the horizon you break from the Meadows and follow the trail out of the woods and through the Moors, the Trollfist Hills rising on your flank to the south. Observing the trail of the kidnappers Dark Dreams Wanderer notes that the horses are all being ridden hard; the riders clearly do not care if the horses survive the trip so long as they reach their destination quickly.

Muddy, heath-covered, and dotted with small bogs, the Moors run from the coast to the Forest of Woe far to the south, interrupted only by the Stonefist Hills, forested areas, and occasional barrow fields of the ancient Andøvan peoples. Only the barest hints of green have begun to spring up among the broken rocks and muddy hollows. The winds of a recent winter still blow across this flatland and chill through all but the heaviest cloaks, and the occasional bog pool still has a rime of fragile ice around its edges. There is no cover on the moors, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable to any watching eyes.

The horizon is a fair distance and the later afternoon sky is clear, so you can easily see for several miles. Storm clouds are rolling in and beginning to gather in a spiraling tempest over the Barrows far to the southwest, hovering low and sending down bolts of lightning to strike the stones below.

The poorly drained, soggy moor dominates the middle of the Hord Peninsula. This area, known simply as the Moors, is considered wasteland by most of the Northlanders and is known to be inhabited by strange beasts, crazed hermits, and outcasts from holdings all over the region. Adding to the dread that you feel when traveling through the area, the higher and drier parts of the Moors often contain rings of broken stones or ancient barrows whose occupants are assumed to be restless and hunger for the blood of the living. No one knows for sure what is out there, as few people are foolish enough to risk their lives and sanity by traveling the Moors to any great extent.

Spoiler: Knowledge Geography DC15 - Gunnar & Skorri
knowledge geography
Gunnar (1d20+6)[16]
DDW (1d20+5)[8]
Skorri (1d20+5)[24]

The strange localised stormclouds seem to be centered on the approximate location of The Tor, your destination ~15 miles away.

Spoiler: Travel choices
So do you want to hustle while following the trail, or travel at a more measured pace?

All going well you should be able to reach The Tor in about 8 hours at normal mounted pace, although Freyja would need to hustle to keep up. If everyone hustles you will get there in ~5 hours.

Alternatively you could travel more slowly at Freyja's normal pace which would extend the journey by an hour or two, taking the trip over 8 hours and requiring some Forced March checks.

All of the above choices should get you to The Tor well before sunrise (all going as planned...)