Vershab sighs at the noblewoman's response, his enthusiasm curbed by her lack of interest. "My Lady, I apologize if I bored you, but am glad you enjoyed the demonstration," he says, not making eye contact. "As for your eye color, I admit to some discomfort with looking directly into another's eyes as they look into mine...Your ensemble is quite pleasant, aesthetically, though. Your turquoise jewelry and nail enamel compliment the crimson of your...wardrobe very nicely. The bright contrast between colors is balanced expertly by the glitter of the gold, which only goes to highlight the healthy...glow of your skin.

My Lady, I am greatly pleased to see that you are well and healthy and I do appreciate your time this day...So that I do not waste your valuable time by rambling too much, may I present another illusory display? This one of less abstract nature and more dramatic entertainment!?

Without waiting for an answer he begins to cast another illusion spell, this one appearing as a stage, taking the entirety of the space his spell allows in the air above the assembled nobility and merchants. As he casts he calls out to Lehasti, saying, "Assembled admirers of the great Muminofrah...please direct your attention to the words of my ally, the holy knight Lehasti! With her...assistance I would like to present the tale of recent heroics in and around the city of Wati that led us to this day...and the august presence of our benefactor, the...lovely Lady Muminofrah!" As he speaks, the "stage" begins to be populated with a cast depicting the Relic Knights and their various allies and foes, with names written above each in glowing script. Once Lehasti comes close enough to hear him he says, "I can keep this illusion going as long as I concentrate - tell the story, with a bit more heroics and less grit than truly happened. I will make it as flashy and exciting as I can visually, but we will need your voice to carry the story as we go..."