Quote Originally Posted by Onyavar View Post
Yes, because there is no middle way. Zaid couldn't possibly be a guy who only used drugs occasionally.

And funny, Solomon looks pretty stern, but we don't really know his stance on drugs. He could be the kind of person who allows limited use of some of them.

Speaking of drugs, I think the gilded cage has earth contacts and is involved in smuggling stuff from Earth. Somehow.
They are smoking cigarettes that look like Earth ones, their card games look familiar and there is an exit sign on the door.
If that doesn't indicate Earth, it's a close parallel world that was only recently conquered.
Obviously an Indian shaman consorted with a demon from the Void and learned all about smoking from it. Same goes for cards. We were never a closed system. But invading Earth and blackmailing Allicia (and Zaid maybe?) with it is a lucrative option. I wonder if the plot will go that way.