Kill Six Billion Demons is a webcomic written and illustrated by Tom Parkinson-Morgan, also known as Abbadon.

The comic can be found here

There are two tumblrs associated with the comic:

Words of God

The story can be summarized as "God Is Dead. Far beyond Earth, The Multiverse is in chaos as criminals rule and callous kings maintain a fragile peace. One day, a mysterious and bloody figure appears to a barista named Allison Wanda Ruth, and bestows her with an Ancient Artifact known as the Key of Kings. In the process, Allison finds herself suddenly transported to the final resting place of the gods in the exact center of the multiverse, the red city of Throne. Allison must now travel through Throne and the 777,777 universes of creation to save her kidnapped boyfriend and stop the plans of the stone angels, masked demons and mad god-kings that want her Key for themselves."

Previous Conquests:

KILL SIX BILLION DEMONS: Beginnings are false and I am a consummate liar.