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Thread: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    121. Skin of Tolerance

    This thick cloak has a smooth, gleaming exterior and a soft fur-lined interior. Any intelligent creature looking at the wearer of the skin of tolerance perceives the wearer as being the same species as herself, so long as the wearer of the cloak and the observer are within one size category of each other.
    When projecting this glamer, the skin of tolerance attempts to maintain distinct features and characteristics of the wearer as closely as possible. For example, a human with green eyes and a scar across his cheek will appear to be an elf when seen by an elf, a dwarf when viewed by a dwarf, or a gnome when observed by a gnome, but in every case he will always have green eyes and a scar across his cheek. If a creature touches the wearer of the skin of tolerance and experiences a tactile sensation that is inconsistent with the visual illusion, that creature may make a will save (DC 13) to see through the illusion. A creature with the scent ability automatically gets a saving throw when within range.
    A creature under the effects of a polymorph or illusory disguise sees the wearer of the skin of tolerance as his or her true species. The wearer of the cloak is not aware of what he looks like to others and gains no special knowledge to aid his disguise, such as mannerisms or special abilities that a particular creature may possess.

    Faint illusion; CL 3th; Craft Wondrous Item, reflective disguise; price: 12,000
    Last edited by Vaern; 2018-10-22 at 08:49 PM.