Name: Any part of my screen-name is fine. Sanctus Sanguis, Sanctus, or Sanguis.

Availability: I am currently available to run a game or two.

Contact Information: PM via the Giant in the Playground forum, if you please.

Posting Frequency: My target number of posts is one or two a day unless others post more.

Systems I Run: In order of preference, Pathfinder, Starfinder, D&D 3.5, Anima, Exalted 2.5e, Adeptus Evangelion, d20 Mecha, V20, W20, all of the New World of Darkness lines, Big Eyes Small Mouth 2e, Fragged Empires, Cthulhutech, Call of Cthulhu, Slasher Flick, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, and D&D 5e.

Preferred Campaign Types: I prefer high fantasy, sci-fantasy, dark fantasy, and romantic fantasy. Horror games are fun to run on occasion, but most of the time any games of mine that have horror use it like Bloodborne did: as window dressing to create a creepy atmosphere that keeps players on edge rather than playing it straight.

Sample Campaign Types: None on Giant in the Playground. My experiences have been limited to real-life, Discord, and Paizo. I am currently branching out from my main three venues.

Current Campaigns: None on Giant in the Playground. I'm running a massive planar game on another forum, but that's about it for my current games.

Future Campaigns: I am still mulling over my options for a future campaign and am open to people making requests.