
Something about this felt wrong to the Wanderer. Great potential for risk here, with the cart blocking the road. ”Ware danger, warleader. I go to move the beasts.” He casts his voice low to his companions before slipping from his horse, longbow to hand and terbuje strapped as always to his back. His steps are quick, an odd mix of low lander lanky strides and Nuklander light-footedness.

Moving easily to the oxen, he addresses the man. “Na, man go easy. Yanking on them will get you nowhere.” He proceeds to speak softly to the oxen in the Nuk tongue, urging them to lend their strength to moving the cart free. Still, his eyes scan the surrounds for danger.

Spoiler: OoC
Handle Animal: (1d20+2)[9]
Perception: (1d20+7)[20]