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Thread: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Nov 2011

    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    Idea stolen from above.

    112: Onyx Eye

    This magical gemstone, when placed in an empty eye socket, becomes an ordinary-seeming eye that matches the user's lost eye in appearance. However, when any of its powers are evoked, it resumes its solid black color and faceted appearance.

    The eye cannot be used to see in bright light. Any illumination bright enough to read by renders the Onyx Eye useless. Torches and lanterns meet this level of illumination within 15 feet of the source.

    Under a full moon the eye allows Darkvision up to 30 feet. The user cannot read, but can observe shapes and motion without color. -2 to all ranged attacks. Candles achieve this level of illumination within 5 feet of the source.

    Under a starry sky the eye allows Darkvision up to 90 feet. The user can read normally, and can discern distance, with very muted color vision. All Darkness related combat penalties are negated by the eye.

    Foxfire or firefly type illuminations allow the user to see up to 120 feet, and reading, even at a distance, is allowed. Bright colors can be discerned as if the viewer used normal sight in a heavy thunderstorm. All Darkness related penalties are negated by the eye.

    In Absolute Darkness the Onyx Eye can see as well as the user could see with a perfect, healthy eye in full daylight. All Darkness related penalties are negated. This is the default condition within a Darkness Spell which the Eye does not dispel. When cast outdoors in daylight, or anywhere within the illumination levels as described above, the user of the eye can see perfectly into and within the zone of magical darkness, and within the restrictions as set forth above outside the Darkness effect, depending upon ambient lighting conditions.

    Users of such an Eye may use their normal eye and the Onyx Eye simultaneousy, so while travelling in a dark cavern with torchlight, the normal eye can see within the illuminated radius while The Onyx Eye can see beyond, with some overlap at the outer edges of the radius of illumination.

    Shadows, shades, and creatures native to the Plane of Shadow see the eye as a painfully bright light source. This light is not harmful to them in any way, other than that it negates any of their stealth or combat bonuses which rely upon Darkness or Shadow. Under any level of illumination such creatures can be seen normally by The Eye's user.

    Light Spells negate the function of the eye within their radius of illjmination. A Light Spell cast upon the Eye itself dispells its power for the duration of the Light Spell, plus a number of hours equal to the caster's level. Afterwards the eye functions normally.

    113: Wizard's Eye

    This grey lump of glass is roughly the size and shape of an eye. When attuned and placed in an empty eye socket, it transforms into a Wizard's Eye.

    The Wizard's Eye has an octagonal black pupil surrounded by an iris in the shape of an octogram, each point of which is a color of the rainbow: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, and magenta. The sclera is as white as the pupil is black.

    The user of the eye can observe the residue of magic in the environment long after a spellcaster has gone. Treat this as a ranger's tracking ability in relation to the use of spells or spell-like powers.

    The user of a Wizard's Eye benefits from a constant Detect Magic effect, and casually observes the magical auras of beings and items. Any Identify attempt automatically succeeds in distinguishing the School and Level of the magic, and a +10 bonus is granted to all other aspects of the Identify atrempt.

    The user of a Wizard's Eye can descern individual patterns of energy use by a spellcaster when observing the spellcaster casting a spell or invoking a spell-like power from an item, (Spellcraft DC:20.) This may allow the Eye user to determine if an observed effect was cast by a particular individual. (Both caster and effect must be successfully observed as an intentional act.)

    Otherwise, the eye functions as a normal eye for the species of the user.
    Last edited by brian 333; 2018-09-02 at 02:44 PM.