Quote Originally Posted by Honest Tiefling View Post
You are absolutely right, it isn't a good idea, nor is it the right thing to do. I just many adults would probably just let the kiddos murder each other's characters repeatedly and watch, because when you have to contend with a player's mother AND children refusing to learn the rules, yeah, I think the right thing to do might fly out the window. I still think this should be an expected outcome when you have to contend with the complaining of a player's mom.
Frankly, theres nothing that says that today's game needs to be part of continuity. Jeremy and friends are playing? Ok, lets shelf the current serious game and run through a silly game that lets everyone feel powerful tonight. Everyone rolls up new characters, everything is allowed, its going to be a paper thin nonsense plot designed to show the new kids what goes on. And if they like it and have fun with it, maybe ease them into joining the normal game, and if its still a problem, freaking talk to Fighter's Mom about forcing these guys to babysit for her (although the implication to me was that Fighter was hosting while his parents were home, and Jeremy didn't want to be excluded). Bullying somebody and trying to hide behind the game is never acceptable.