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Thread: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items


    Prismatic Gauntlet

    This golden colored +1 gauntlet is studded with 7 gems and reveals its powers when worn. Although it appears to be made of gold, it is actually an alloy of metals that have the appearance of gold. It has 5 outer gems (one on each knuckle) and 2 gems on the center area as follows: A red ruby on the thumb knuckle, a yellow topaz on the pointer finger knuckle, a blue sapphire on the middle knuckle, a purple amethyst on the ring finger knuckle, an orange garnet on the pinky knuckle, an emerald in the middle area to the left, and an indigo tourmaline in the middle area to the right. These gems glow faintly until their ability is used up for the day. The gems function only when pressed down by the wearer (a standard action, and only once per day for each) as follows:

    Ruby: The wearer makes a ranged touch attack for 20 points of fire damage (Fortitude Half).
    Garnet: The wearer makes a ranged touch attack for 40 points of acid damage (Fortitude Half).
    Topaz: The wearer makes a ranged touch attack for 80 points of electricity damage (Fortitude Half).
    Emerald: The wearer makes a ranged touch attack to inflict poison on the target that kills them on a failed Fortitude save or deals 1d6 Con damage on a successful save.
    Sapphire: The wearer makes a ranged touch attack to turn the target to stone on a failed Fortitude Save.
    Tourmaline: The wearer makes a ranged touch attack to cause the target to become insane (as the insanity spell) on a failed Will save.
    Amethyst: The wearer makes a ranged touch attack to send the target to another random plane on a failed Will save.

    Each of these abilities fires a ray out to 60 feet and the saving throw DC is 20. The above gem abilities allow spell resistance except for the ruby, garnet, and topaz abilities. In addition to these abilities, the gauntlet provides the following bonuses until the corresponding gem power listed above has been used:

    Ruby: +2 deflection bonus to AC against nonmagical ranged attacks.
    Garnet: +2 deflection bonus to AC against magical ranged attacks.
    Topaz: +2 resistance bonus to fortitude saves.
    Emerald: +2 resistance bonus to reflex saves.
    Sapphire: +2 resistance bonus to will saves.
    Tourmaline: +2 resistance bonus on saving throws versus spells and spell like abilities.
    Amethyst: +2 luck bonus to damage rolls with nonmagical attacks.

    Strong Evocation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, prismatic spray; Price 40000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


    Infinity Gauntlet... +1 (as requested), from here:
    Last edited by gooddragon1; 2018-08-29 at 09:07 PM.
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