Lehasti's interest appears to be piqued by Sabef's mention of the beautiful Gate of the Moon, and she opens her lips to speak before pausing, brows furrowed in thought. After a surreptitious glance at Vershab, the paladin masters her features and adopts an expression of placating neutrality, waiting for the scholar to make his expectations known. Nodding her assent to his choice, she beckons Azkin along to follow, and the pair of Sarenites take their places at the fore and rear of the little procession.

As the days pass, Lehasti's boredom with research and impatience at their delay seem to take their toll on the paladin's deliberate facade of feigned interest in their secondary occupations with research. Azkin's equanimity seems to be a calming influence on the more impetuous aspects of his mistress's personality, however, and the pair maintain their composure while supporting (albeit haphazardly) Vershab's efforts to comb through the immense number of records, spanning what seems like an infinite timeline. Each morning, however, Lehasti's patience is tested.

On the fourth morning, the paladin lets out an explosive sigh of relief at Selek's good news. "Excellent! While I do not doubt the seriousness of her excellency's business, our errand grows no less urgent as time passes, and I am eager to see it concluded. We look forward to our meeting."

As the party leaves the deaconess to her business, Lehasti addresses Vershab, "Once more unto the libraries?" The paladin's dearth of enthusiasm threatens to break through the mask of patience on the paladin's face.