R3T13: Erima continues to grip her axe tightly in case these ghoul-bats come close to her.

R3T12: Thanks to the Scribe, Lilim is again ready to tango. She jumps up, grabbing with her arms to slam the underside of the skaveling with her right knee for 11, while at the same time slamming down on its head with her right elbow for 11. Landing in the boat (and hopefully keeping her balance) she slashes twice and then bites - a claw and a bite both hit, and is enough for the skaveling to crash into the water and begin sinking ... destroyed.

R3T7: Teofilo again lets loose with holy power. The remaining skaveling resists easily, taking 4 PE.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

Sinxia, still with CLW on her hand but no longer stunned, reaches out and touches the skaveling, though the thing resists some of the holy power and only takes 4 PE. "Rezah, could you please hand me my bow?"

R4T26: The ghoul bat bites Sinxia in the neck for 17, and she is paralyzed! Meanwhile, Fallon and Rezah recover from being stunned.

R4T22: The Scribe jumps into the water after his bow.

R4T21: Though perhaps the worst person to engage these things directly, Fallon flies out of the boat and safely around to attack the skaveling from the eastern flank. She just barely hits with Silverfang, doing 16.

R4T14: Rezah ignores Sinxia's request and lets loose with holy power, and does 11 PE in a burst to the skaveling. Instead of Sinxa's bow, he picks up his own dropped scimitar.

R4T12: Lilim, what do you do? If this skaveling is at all intelligent, it can do a coup de grace on Sinxia!

Teofilo on deck, skaveling in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R11T30. PARALYZED til beginning R9T26!!!
* Bow at bottom of boat.
Skaveling #2: 26. (18:81).
The Scribe: 22. Bow in water.
Fallon: 21. Shield.
Rezah: 14. Scimitar at bottom of boat.
Erima: 13. READIED to attack any skaveling that comes in range of her axe!!!
Lilim: 12. Ice aegis for 70 minutes (resist fire 30).
Teofilo: 7.