Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
"Perhaps someone can go in front and help clear the way? Please...?"
Lehasti raises an eyebrow in a mixture of amusement and irritation at the scholar's reaction to the press of the throng. With a few bold steps and a deliberate shift in posture to emphasize her imposing stature, the paladin steps more firmly to the fore. The bustling crowd seems to respond in the manner of people accustomed to the move-or-be-moved dynamic of a busy street, and within a few steps the party seems to be making easier progress.

accepts the proffered bundle from his brother with the beginnings of an amused grin tugging the corner of his mouth upward. He opens his mouth to speak, but is forestalled by the sudden interjection of the boy addressing his mistress. He turns an appraising look on the boy.

Meanwhile, Lehasti addresses the bold young man with a congenial smile. "A good day to you as well, my young friend. Your offer is tempting, but pleasure is not the errand that brings us to your fair city. No, my friends and I must make use of what daylight remains to escort my friend here," she gestures to Vershab, "to the Great Library to seek knowledge to aid us in our quest. However," the paladin strokes her chin with her thumb and forefinger in a theatrically thoughtful manner, "I possess neither the skill nor the desire for such pursuits, and the day warms. Perhaps some refreshments will be in order..."

Spoiler: OOC
Sense Motive checks for Lehasti: (1d20+3)[10]
And Azkin: (1d20+9)[18]