Quote Originally Posted by hamishspence View Post
I'd go with something like the end of Mrs Doubtfire - child support/visitation rights, but not remarriage (or, in Durkon/Hilgya's case, just getting married at all).

Irreconcilable alignment differences aren't one of those things that can just be handwaved away.
And then there's the fact that Hilgya is probably still married. Because societies that force women to marry usually don't allow women to divorce, as the forcing part would be rather pointless in that case. So, getting married is not likely, unless her backstory has been retconned. Or Durkon decides to consider her previous marriage void because she didn't consent.

It'll be interesting to see what Durkon thinks of his actions back then, now.

I would be very disappointed if he had the same lame excuses people on the forums make for him.