When I announced the calendar, I said that the holiday ornament was coming along with some t-shirts, and guess what? They're here now, which you already know because you read the title of this thread before clicking on it.

Let's take a look at what we've got. First, we have this year's Battle Ornament:

Then we have a shirt with a highly detailed and canon-accurate map of the Inner Planes:

This next shirt celebrates the wonder and majesty of the changing seasons in the Dwarven Homeland:

A look at the lifecycle of your D&D character's equipment list:

A shirt to put on the little extraplanar balls of snuggliness in your life:

Lien has strong feelings about fairness:

Elan discovers the downside of turning your brain off and enjoying the fiction:

The demise of table manners is really a problem in the ettercap community:

All of these shirts and the ornament are available at CafePress right now. We also have all five previous ornaments in the Battle Ornament series up for sale for a limited time, in case you missed one and want to be sure you have the whole set.

Go ahead and ask any questions you have in this thread.