Quote Originally Posted by Thajocoth View Post

Character A says something true. Character B doesn't trust that character A is telling the truth. Character B rolls Insight. What does character A roll? (It's not Bluff, because they're not lying.)
Are Characters A & B both Player characters, which is what your questions implies? 4E isn't designed for Player v Player interactions in this way.

If "Character A" is an NPC, I wouldn't have her roll at all; instead, set the DC to a level-appropriate mark, either medium or hard at your discretion. Depending on the result against this static DC, your description may be:

"Though at first you doubt her, you see the truth in Character A's claim because of [insert believable but spurious and misleading fact here]" (Player B fails the check by 5 or more),

"Character A is adamant in her claim" (failed check by Player B),

"Character A's claim seems dubious, at best, but she seems to believe it to be so" (successful check by Player B), or

"Character A seems to believe her claim, but you know it do be untrue because of [insert useful infomation here]" (character B exceeds successful check by 5 or more).