Surprise Round ...

S30: Sinxia, with truly inspired reflexes and senses you are able to act first. Nobody seems to notice that the columns might be alive/animate/whatever.
This is a surprise round, so you only get a single action, not a full round's worth of actions. That action is either a standard or a move action. Free actions are allowed. You may not make swift actions.
The column in question is the one 10' from you. I put an "X" through the first one since that doesn't seem to have any special properties.
Spoiler: Battle Map

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Sinxia: 30.
Fallon: 26.
TS2: 24. (70:70).
Teofilo: 24.
TS1: 18. (70:70).
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. (70:70).
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9.
Rezah: 4.