Name: Call me Huroka!

Availability to Host Campaigns: I'm here, so available to DM a game or two!

Contact Information: PM.

Posting Frequency: Once per day preferred, although I will try to post more if it looks like people can keep up.

Systems You Can Run: Well, can run and want to run are two different things! As of now, Pathfinder is the only system that I will run. I might be amenable to a PTU game, if people can make a sufficiently interesting pitch.

Preferred Campaign Types: I prefer epic games (not necessarily epic levels). I like high fantasy, gestalt craziness. I almost always use mythic in my campaigns, even if PCs don't get to use the rules (NPC survival camp for the win!). Designing amazing new worlds and coming up with unapologetic, brutal dungeons is a fun hobby to have! I usually don't run anything already published because I like to create unique campaigns. I am soon to run a gestalt Kingmaker, as soon as I know who is still on board after my hiatus due to the Hurricane Matthew evacuations and subsequent home renovations that necessitated a short withdrawal from the messageboards.

Campaign Types I Will Not Do: Wormverses where players are pulled from Earth into fantasy worlds, Ring Worlds because the science is strong with this one, campaigns using systems other than Pathfinder, Commoner Campaigns, low-magic fantasy, and My Little Pony Ponyfinder (my husband is cool with Ponyfinder, but there is too much friendship and not enough murderhobo for my gaming tastes).

Current Games: Both are still in recruitment, but I will be running Planar Cartographics Society, which is sort of a Pathfinder Society-type game set in the D&D 3.5 multiverse, and a gestalt, modified Kingmaker game.

Future Games: Who knows? I could do the more reasonable thing and run an AP, albeit with some modifications. Or I could show how far the Rabbit Hole I can make a campaign go and run some crazy, high-powered game of some sort.