Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post

Q: I hate that you waste your comic-drawing time on this stuff and wish you'd spend all of your waking hours producing the next comic and/or Kickstarter story.
A: OK, well, here's the thing: The calendar and CafePress stuff takes me maybe around three weeks of drawing time, total, and generates enough income to let me pay my bills for a few months. During that time, I am free to work on the regular comic or the long-overdue Kickstarter material without having to worry about paying my rent. In fact, this stuff is incredibly efficient in regard to how long they take me to finish versus how much time they give me before I need to figure out where the money for next month's bills are coming from. So even if you don't want the calendar or the ornament, understand that putting them out is what allows me to keep working on the free comic.

Q: OK, but...where's the next comic?
A: There will be a new one up later this morning, after I get all this promo stuff in place.
You are so kind and patient with people who expect you to not eat or sleep under a roof and still provide a free comic.