God I love this!


BTW, Kukul and Nagi is extremely minor because it was originally published not in a Shonen manga but in a "jidoushi" manga magazine (a type of manga magazine for small children, elementary school and such), called "Comic Bom-Bom".

Now, not all manga published in "jidoushi" are minor. For instance, Doraemon is from the "jidoushi" manga "Korokoro".

The problem here was that since all the publishers were pretty much insane, most of the manga in Comic Bom-Bom involved heavy gore and/or erotic scenes and no one could ever understand who the magazine was aimed for. Thus it was a minor magazine, and almost no one knew its existence. The reason I knew it was because the comic version of the English novel series Deltora Quest was somehow published in this magazine, but otherwise, I would have never known.

Yaya is probably the character that got me into dark fantasy, and the "angsteenism" that Gnoll surely knows well. She still remains one of my most favorite characters ever. The slightly pretty damn crazy Gothic Lolita Chainsaw girl with a yandere-ish love against her brother and an immortal body that regenerates all wounds within seconds. And she gets horny during battle. She blushes, gets her breath steamy, and even goes as far as licking the face of a protagonist character after the battle is over with her victory.

The reason why I'm like this is no doubt because I made first contact with Yaya Tokaz at age 9.

It wasn't probably a good experience from an educational viewpoint.

But I love her. And so do I love this new avatar. Again, thanks~~!