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    Ogre in the Playground
    Professor Gnoll's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Re: Request an OotS style Avatar 14: Even More Revenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Gastronomie View Post
    If anyone is up for it, could someone make an avatar for me? Either one of the following:

    Spoiler: Mado Kureo, from the Tokyo Ghoul anime/manga (my current avatar)

    BTW, believe it or not, he's a man of justice who fights bravely to protect the innocent people from being eaten by cannibals.

    I mean, he's a really nice guy. Sure, he might have a slight tendency to be overly sadistic against said cannibals, but like, the cannibals kill and eat people! It's their fault, isn't it?

    BTW, I would like his eyes to be especially emphasized, since it's his trademark characteristic.

    Spoiler: Yaya Tokaz, from the Kukul and Nagi manga

    Kukul and Nagi is an extremely minor manga that virtually no one outside Japan knows, but I am a personal fan.
    This character, Yaya Tokaz, is an antagonist (the younger sister of the main villain), a mildly insane gothic lolita girl with a big red ribbon on her head who flings about this gigantic chainsaw and cuts down everything in her path. In the manga, her hair is green, her ribbon is bright red, and the shape of her skirt is really weird - maybe it's based off a spider web, maybe it's not, I have no idea.
    Mon chéri, your Yaya Tokaz avatar-
    Spoiler: Forum Sized

    Spoiler: Big

    And just in case you prefer your murderers happy, a smiling version:
    Spoiler: Happy Days Yaya

    By the way, you weren't kidding when you said the character was obscure. Even searching in Japanese, I could only find a single other usable reference.

    As always, tell me if you want anything at all changed, and I'll get right to it!
    Last edited by Professor Gnoll; 2016-07-31 at 09:32 AM.
    Hazama avatar by me. Other avatars that I've made:
    Spoiler: Avatars