The assumption is that Sinxia is assisting Rezah somehow ...

Everyone hears rustling in the sarcophagus!

Standing to her full height of an even 6' (a little taller than Erima was), and with a fantastic build with womanly curves that brings her to about 135 lbs., is perfection and beauty like you never really had the chance to notice before. It is Sorshen, again, but this time on her feet (standing in the sarcophagus). She is completely naked. Her raven-black hair and green eyes are like anything you have ever seen before.

But everyone in this group is hyper-vigilant, none having relaxed their guard! They killed her once and Lilim destroyed the body, but here she is again.

Sorshen lifts her hands and she looks like she is about to cast a spell.

R1T24: The Scribe, dumbounded, recovers quickly. He steps forth a little, but still at a distance of 10'. He makes a terrible thrust to her right knee (just above the sarcophagus' upper edge) for 15, but everyone sees that something isn't right. It's a stunning thrust in itself, but that thrust should have done ... more. His second strike is to the side of her head; for this strike, it seems like he connects with the tip, and yet has to "push through" a little to draw blood for 16. Obviously using every bit of martial prowess and focus he thrusts yet again into her right forearm for 13.
Spoiler: Sorshen-Erima
Not only do you have natural armor, but that first knee strike most assuredly should have been a critical hit ... and yet unlike in the first battle you take the pain of a great blow, but not a critical strike.

R1T23: Sinxia .... what do you do? You are 10' from Sorshen. You put your bow away (or down) to assist with funerary rites.

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Scribe: 24.
Sinxia: 23.
Sorshen: 22.
Lilim: 20.
Fallon: 10.
Teofilo: 10.
Rezah: 2.