Quote Originally Posted by Whelk View Post
I lost my old custom avatar, and at least a few people have the stock one I'm using now. So - if anyone's feeling bored:

Race: Halfling
Gender: Male
Class: Relic Hunter (I just made that up, I think - so probably just a combat-avoiding rogue)
Important Equipment: Bullwhip, lockpicks and/or locksmith/treasure hunting toolkit (if this can even be accurately represented - if not, meh)
Clothing: A stetson-style hat, a brown duster jacket, anything else is fair game. (No shoes, because: halfling)
Skin color: Fair
Hair: Chin-length feathered blond
Eye color: Just the generic black dots.
Pose: Whatever's easy or seems good. Fine with a typical "staring at the viewer" pose. If possible, an expression of concentration or study on his face. If that's weird, then whatever seems fun for a relic hunter, or just the standard "smiling at the viewer".
Re-posting, if anyone wants to take a crack at Halfling Indiana Jones but with blond hair and a lockpick.