Name: Silverphantasm (Silver)
Availability to Host Campaigns: I have 3 current campaigns and an interest thread for a fourth. Provided players don't disappear I will run up to 6.
Contact Information: PM, email may be given if asked for
Posting Frequency: I can post 1/day guaranteed, but will sometimes do more if players are responsive enough, or a 1v1 RP is ensuing.
Systems You Can Run: 3.5e is what I have lots of source material for, though if you can provide PDF's and Links to other I'm not opposed.
Preferred Campaign Types: Sandbox style, I like letting players have large amounts of input that I streamline into something I want to DM.
Sample Game Threads: SSSS or The Tyrannical Five
Current Games: The Royal Guard and Gestalted Gladiators
Future Games: One based on the anime MAGI, and another based around Avatar: Legend of Korra (ALL 3.5e based)

DM Note: I have initiated 2 campaigns that seem to be dead, the first was my first attempt at a PBP, and as such was a little rough, but then players stopped responding despite PM's. I have a second that seems to be dying, as I've had only 1 post from 1 of 5 players for the past 2 weeks. So, if you don't like my past style or have advice to improve how I do things in the future feel free to comment. I appreciate constructive criticism, but don't spend hours complaining that I don't use your favorite home-brew.

Regarding homebrew: I understand that changing stuff to be more fun is appealing, but it should be something that makes it more fun for everyone (players and DM) to add to the campaign, not make your character immune to harm or be able to inflict infinite damage.