Quote Originally Posted by inuyasha View Post
I just thought of another outsider to use for this template... I've never actually used a lillend but with this template added on I might just consider it.

Spoiler: Kyton Proselyte Lillend
Lillend, Kyton Proselyte
Size/Type: Large Outsider (Evil, Law, Extraplanar, Kyton)
Hit Dice: 7d8+14 (45 HP)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 20ft, fly 70ft (average)
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +3 dex, +5 natural)
BaB: +7/+16
Attacks: Short Sword +10 melee (1d8+4, 19-20)
Full Attack: Short Sword +10 melee (1d8+4, 19-20), and tail slap +5 melee (2d6+2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Constrict 2d6+4, improved grab, spells, spell like abilities, unnerving gaze
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, immunity to poison and cold, resistance to fire 10
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +8
Abilities: Strength 18, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 22
Skills: Appraise +12, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +18, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Listen +13, Perform (any one) +16, Sense motive +13, Spellcraft +14, Spot +13, Survival +17
Feats: Combat Casting, Extend Spell, Lightning reflexes
Environment: Plane of Shadow
Organization: Solitary or Covey (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Advancement: 8-10 HD large, 11-21 HD huge
Level Adjustment --
Thrashing around in the air wildly, this foul creature resembles a bloody, scarred snake from the waist down. It’s upper body resembles that of a woman that was once beautiful, now scarred with surgical marks, her skin pale like a corpse, but also hanging as if there was once more flesh underneath it.

These pitiful things are the result of the kytons proselytizing a lillend, flaying away her muscle and leaving her with scars and pale dead skin. They enjoy tempting mortals with their magic, though they have little to offer but death and pain.

These creatures enjoy combat, holding and charming obviously magical targets and constricting the life out of fighters that come too close.

Constrict (Ex):
A lillend deals 2d6+5 damage with a grapple check. This uses their lower body so they may not move while constricting, but they may use their short sword

Improved Grab (Ex):
To use this ability, a lillend must hit with its tail attack, and it may attempt to start a grapple as a free action. If it wins the grapple check it may constrict

A lillend casts spells as a 6th level bard.
Typical Bard Spells Known (3/4/3; save DC 16+spell level)
0—dancing lights, daze, detect magic, lullaby, mage hand, read magic; 1st—charm person, cure light wounds, identify, sleep; 2nd—hold person, invisibility, sound burst

Spell Like Abilities:
3/day—darkness, hallucinatory terrain (DC 20), knock, light; 1/day—charm person (DC 17), speak with animals, speak with plants, CL 10th, the DCs are charisma based
A lillend also has the bardic music ability as a 6th level bard

Unnerving gaze (Su):
Range 30ft., Will Save (DC 19) negates. A proselyte kyton can make their face resemble an opponent's departed loved ones or bitter enemies. Those who fail their saves become shaken for 1d3 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Lillends have a +4 racial bonus on survival checks

*The bonus is to charisma, and the penalty is to strength as muscle is cut away and the lillend becomes thin and haunting.
It certainly adds an interesting twist to most creatures, doesn't it? I never gave that creature a second glance before, but now.. It has a distinct unpleasant place.

I've added two demons thus far converted by the template, a quasit and a balor.

A quasit proselyte kyton could be a tortured quasit, or could be a cast off piece of an abyss touched soul. Perhaps even through the torture, the soul broke down into several quasits.

A balor, on the other hand, would be an extreme case. Not something they'd likely get a hold of, but if they did.. I wouldn't want to meet it. It actually places the balor into the CR range for a balor lord.

Through this toying with the template, i've a goal set before me. A proselyte kyton for every challenge rating from 1 to 21.