The group sludges on through the swamp, and is likely to get to Brooäk, Gek'k's home village, by tomorrow. There really isn't any marching order, nor can there really be in the shifting and mixed terrain of the Mushfens, and the armored turtle known as Rezah really slows things down.

Somewhere in the afternoon, the Scribe suddenly splashes out of the waist-deep water wildly to a small, muddy hillock. "Snake's nest! A lot of small snakes coming this way. Out of the water!"

R1T17: The water teems with wriggling figures which come onto the hillock to surround and attack the Scribe. No single of the tiny snakes bite very deeply, but all told he still takes 3.

R1T15: The Scribe shlops back 10' and then thrusts his ranseur through as many as he can. He manages to kill one or two, not nearly enough. "Don't let the numbers fool you! You can still cut and smash enough before they give up the fight."

R1T14: Rezah, you are the one who slows everyone in the party. In your armor and in this terrain, you move a whopping, shlopping 5' per MA .... 10' a round. The good news is that to try to get to the more stable ground, the snakes are right next to you. On the other hand, you are now closer by 5'. There is no free 5' step. What do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
Venomous Snake Swarm: 17. (:55).
The Scribe: 15.
Rezah: 14.
Gek'k: 11.
Teofilo: 11.
Lilim: 8.