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Thread: General Crowdfunding Thread, Mark I

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default The Adequate Commoner: Survive & Thrive as the Class Everyone Expects to Die Horribly

    Well hello there;

    My name is John and I write as J.M. Perkins. Here's the one paragraph pitch for my Kickstarter:

    The Adequate Commoner is the first, the only gaming book designed to facilitate playing a commoner or extremely low powered character in Pathfinder; adding more tactical thinking, tension, and encouraging a guerrilla warfare approach to gameplay. The 130+ page supplement provides an overview and unexpected use for existing material in addition to expanded options for nearly any character. Do more with less, never fight fair, and survive and thrive in a world that expects you to fail. Your characters will level, you’ll level as a player, and you’ll never have a better, more challenging time rolling dice.

    In addition to my work, we're including a bonus adventure from the guys who did Pure Steam, complimentary books from Misfit Studios, as well as stretch goals for even more from Avalon Games, Christina Styles Presents, and Skortched Urf publishing.

    Bump the thread because 'WTF, Commoner Adventurers?!?' click through for the amusing video, and pledge because it's awesome.

    The Adequate Commoner

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

    PS I have credits with Misfit Studios (Bite Me: A Player's Guide to Lycanthropes), Rogue Genius Games (Ultimate Options: Story Feats) and I'm a contract writer for Avalon's upcoming Monster Hunter line. Also, as indicated above, the book is being put out Misfit Studios who are seriously awesome.
    Last edited by JMPerkins; 2014-09-29 at 12:46 PM. Reason: Fixed Title