Not my campaign, but I'm a backer:

You Need These Dice

What do you get for pledging? Dice, obviously. Just look at the provided pictures, they are looking fabulous and will be a hit on every gaming table anywhere.

Here is just one picture of the basic Wizards Gambit set, more on the Kickstarter page, also for the other designs (Blood Splatter and Thieves):

At the time of posting this, the campaign is funded and running great, 58 hours left now. So, why am I posting this?

a) Britt (the creator) is a nice guy
b) He announced a last stretch goal of $75,000, we are now at $56,500.
c) The dice are awesome and need to be out there at as many gaming tables as possible.

I know, if everyone has these, they aren't as unique as they could be, but still will always look great.

Shipping is free within the US, for other countries just ask him (and then yourself whether you think it is worth it - I think it is, and it's $28 to ship to Germany ...).