My Fate Accelerated cosmic horror anime RPG Breakfast Cult has a week to go and is deep into stretch goal territory, so it's a great time to check it out!

In Breakfast Cult, you play students of a near-future occult high school who have to solve a mystery and stop an Ancient One before it awakens. The problem is that half your classmates have a secret agenda, and they're usually not nice...

The core book contains setting information, new mechanics, advice on running mysteries and cosmic horror in Fate, writeups for the Ancient Ones and their minions, and enough characters, adventure hooks, sample agendas and other tools for your group to put together an adventure in a hurry (or even randomly generate one, if you like). The stretch goals add expansion packs with extra content, including the Cthulhu Mythos, Japanese mythology and cosmic horror-flavoured magical girls, and some backer tiers let you insert your characters or add other content!