R1T20: "Battle," says Lilim simply to those hanging back. "They want to warn someone named Uggilo."

Lilim charges one of the troglodytes and whips it with her tail for 8 NL.

R1T17: CORRECTION!!! The trog who gave the order and was hit swings as best he can, whumping Lilia in the belly. Her mitral breadboard soaked up most of the impact, but her charge practically through her onto the club for 6. She has slowly been accruing wounds, bit by bit.

R1T14: Gek'k moves to the second, unengaged trog and casts his net at the creature, easily entangling the reptilian humanoid next to him.

R1T11: The entrapped troglodyte simply puts his claws into some of the holes and tears outwards, and he then bites at Gek'k valiantly though he monk manages to use what is left of the rope to deflect him (Jackie Chan style) before he drops the destroyed net. [It's important to note that the mage armor boon Ichibod gave him has since expired.]

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: With phenomenal reflexes, Teofilo flies in and above to the ceiling. He plays his lyre, and Lilim is healed of 12. She only has the lightest bruising remaining.

R2T20: Lilim?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Teofilo: 25.
Lilim: 20.
Trog1: 17. (20:20, 8 NL)
Ichibod: 16.
Gek'k: 14.
Hulya: 11.
Trog2: 11.
Dorit: 10.
Rezah: 8.